Q&A Knowledge Centre

Generate Leads with Ease

Showcase your firm’s know-how in bite-sized Q&A format that is search-engine-optimised to direct potential leads doing their own research into your radar

See our own platform
See our own platform

Business Gains of a Knowledge Centre

Case study

Deployed client’s Knowledge Centre in Oct ‘22

Clients unfamiliar with the regulations applicable to their business? Give them a quick footing with relevant Q&As based on their query. Write Q&As based on your firm’s expertise and let us draw the legal concept connections for you.

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Q&A presents more touchpoints into your site

Engage potential clients by increasing your sites discoverability with Q&As. Succinct Q&As without legal jargon are easier for a user to read and digest than longer form articles.

Good user search experience

Our platform leverages a superior search algorithm that maps both business and legal terms. Furthermore, our patented search technology picks up key industry terms and draws links to related regulatory concepts.

Understand your leads through data insights

Harness the power of data with a monthly report to make decisions. Your Knowledge Centre comes with aggregated data insights that allows you to better understand the profile of popular search terms and clicked content to uncover new business opportunities.